This Web Privacy Policy applies to personal data provided by users of



This Web Privacy Policy is governed by Peruvian law, in particular by the following:

(i) Law No. 29733, Personal Data Protection Law.

(ii) Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS, which approves the Regulations of Law No. 29733, Personal Data Protection Law.

(iii) Information Security Directive, approved by Directorial Resolution No. 019-2013-JUS/DGPDP.

(iv) Criteria issued by the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.



The purpose of this Web Privacy Policy is for you to know how the personal data you provide through the various forms on our website are collected, processed and protected.

Therefore, we inform you that the data provided through the aforementioned forms will be incorporated to the data banks and/or files owned by ESTUDIO LINARES ABOGADOS SCRL with RUC 20346525895 (hereinafter, “ESTUDIO LINARES”) so that we can answer your queries/questions, requests and/or send you the requested quote or communicate with you for commercial reasons.



We inform you that, in accordance with the Applicable Regulations, it is understood that a personal data is any numerical, alphabetical, graphic, photographic, acoustic, personal habits, or any other type of information concerning a natural person that identifies him/her or makes him/her identifiable through means that can be reasonably used.

Likewise, we inform you that personal data processing is understood as any operation or technical procedure, automated or not, that allows the collection, registration, organization, storage, conservation, elaboration, modification, extraction, consultation, use, blocking, suppression, communication by transfer or diffusion or any other form of processing that facilitates the access, correlation or interconnection of personal data.


ESTUDIO LINARES, in application of this Web Privacy Policy, undertakes to:

  • Collect your data through lawful means in accordance with the principle of LEGALITY.
  • Request your consent and inform you about your rights, in accordance with the principle of strong>CONSENT.
  • To use your data only for the purposes mentioned in this Web Privacy Policy, to be able to answer your inquiries/questions, requests and/or to send you the requested quotation or to communicate with you for commercial reasons, in accordance with the principle of legality PURPOSE.
  • To treat personal data in an appropriate manner not exceeding the purpose for which they have been collected or compiled in accordance with the principle of PROPORTIONALITY.
  • To treat true, accurate and, as far as possible, updated data, which are necessary, relevant and adequate for the purpose for which they were collected. Likewise, ESTUDIO LINARES undertakes to keep personal data in such a way as to ensure their security and only for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose of the processing, in accordance with the principle of QUALITY.
  • Adopt the technical, organizational and legal measures necessary to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data, with appropriate security measures, in accordance with the processing to be carried out and the category of personal data concerned, in accordance with the principle of SECURITY.
  • Facilitate the exercise of the rights contained in the Applicable Regulations against ESTUDIO LINARES and inform that in administrative proceedings they can go before the National Data Protection Authority and in jurisdictional proceedings before the Judiciary for the purposes of the initiation of the corresponding habeas data process, in accordance with the principle of the AVAILABILITY OF APPEAL.



We inform you that, in accordance with the Applicable Regulations, the personal data from the Forms will be included in a file owned by ESTUDIO LINARES. By sending any of the Forms through our website, you are expressly authorising the processing of said personal data for the purposes set out above.

The personal data that you are providing in the Forms may only be known and handled by authorised ESTUDIO LINARES personnel in order to respond to your request. This personal data will be treated with total confidentiality.

ESTUDIO LINARES undertakes to maintain professional secrecy with respect to them and guarantees the duty to keep them by adopting all necessary security measures, according to the state of the art and technology at all times.



The ESTUDIO LINARES website requires the enabled use of cookies for its correct functioning, so we inform you about the functionality and use of cookies. Cookies are small files that are downloaded to the user’s computer by the website you are visiting and are used to manage different types of information according to their functionality.

Cookies used on the website: (i) Google Analytics: Property of Google Inc. This tool does not obtain data on the names or surnames of users or the postal address from which they connect. The information obtained is related, for example, to the number of pages visited, the language, the social network in which our news is published, the city to which the IP address from which users access the site is assigned, the number of users who visit us, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the time of visit, the browser used, the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made, among others; (ii) Google Adwords: Property of Google Inc. This tool controls access to the website through our advertisements published on the Google Adwords network; and (iii) Third-party cookies: these are cookies generated by services or suppliers external to our website. They collect statistical data, usage data, user tastes, etc. Our website uses plugins from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Linkedin, subject to the conditions of use of the aforementioned networks, to allow the user to share and comment on the website and/or products on their preferred social network.

Likewise, we inform you that, at any time, you can choose to accept or reject the installation and use of cookies on your computer by configuring your browser settings. Acceptance of the installation of cookies at a specific time does not exempt you from being able to modify or delete the data and cookies installed at any time by configuring your browser.



You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by sending your request to the following e-mail address:



If you have any queries regarding this Web Privacy Policy, please send them to the following e-mail address:



ESTUDIO LINARES reserves the right to modify, at its discretion, this Web Privacy Policy.

Every six months, ESTUDIO LINARES will review this Web Privacy Policy in order to adapt it, if necessary, to new legislation, new features on the website, criteria issued by the Personal Data Protection Authority, etc.

Last update: November, 2020.